
To register horses, you must:
1. Enter the horses into the Database you wish to register. This is a free service available to you whether you choose to register the horses or not, you can still utilize the Database and we encourage you to do so.
2. Fill out a Registration Form for each horse you plan to register. The form can be found here: REGISTRATION FORM. Please note the required photos for the form. You will need to provide one photo illustrating facial markings, and a photo of each side of the horse illustrating leg markings. If the horse has other identifying markings, include photos of those as well. Be sure the photos are clear as they will be placed on your final registration certificate as a means of identification. If the photos are not acceptable, you will be contacted to provide additional photos. We will be ready to print your registration certificate once you have provided acceptable photos for registration purposes and paid your Membership Fee and Registration Fee.
3. Email the form, the photos, and a copy of your current registration certificate OR letter and proof of heritage to with the horse's name as the subject line. One horse per email, please. Emails with multiple horses will be sent back.
4. Horses presenting registration papers from their country in their application packet will automatically be registered if found to be Asil Arabians. If the horse does not have registration papers, the information provided, along with an exhaustive review will determine the eligibility of registration into this registry. All horses found to be of reasonable heritage will be considered. DNA testing may be required at the owner's cost paid directly to the lab.
5. After the Registration Form and photos are confirmed, and you have indicated whether you wish to have a digital or printed certificate, you will receive an invoice via email. When the invoice is paid, your registration papers will be sent to you.